Grass seed
Grass seed
🌱Each grass seed has a different composition and is therefore suitable for specific purposes. You can choose from grass seeds for quick recovery, shade grass, ornamental grass, sports & play grass, robotic mowers, water-saving grass seed.... . Use the filters to find the perfect grass seed to suit your requirements. At Hermie you can get top quality grass seed from:
When to sow grass seed?
To get a beautiful, green and above all healthy turf, it is best to sow your grass seed in the months when the soil is sufficiently moist and warm. In Western Europe, this is in spring (April-May) or autumn (mid-August - end of September). You can feel free to buy grass seed outside this period. As long as the grass seed is stored dry, it will definitely keep for a while.
Grass seed needs a soil temperature of at least 12°C to germinate, which roughly corresponds to an air temperature of 14°C to 16°C. However, minimum 12°C does not mean that it is better to sow grass seed in summer, quite the contrary. We strongly advise against sowing at temperatures above 25°C.

Which grass seed do you buy best?
When buying grass seed, you soon notice that there is a large variety of options to choose from. The grass seed you buy is always a mixture of different types of grass seed. The exact mix determines which type of lawn the mixture is most suitable for. So when you go to buy grass seed, there are a number of questions you need to ask yourself. Is the lawn going to be walked on a lot by playing children or pets, for example? Do you prefer a slow-growing or a fast-growing lawn? How many hours of sunshine will the lawn get? Based on the answers to these questions, you can already go a long way towards buying the right grass seeds.
- Sport and play grass seed: Do you plan to use your lawn intensively? Do you have (grand)children and/or pets romping around in the garden? Then it's best to buy this grass seed. Sport and play grass seed is resistant to daily use and damage. It is also very easy to maintain.
- Shadow grass seed: Grass seed needs sufficient sunlight to germinate, but this is often not possible in shady places. Grass seed mixtures for a shade lawn contain grass seeds that thrive in the shade and are drought-resistant.
- Grass seeds for ornamental lawns: Those who buy grass seeds for an ornamental lawn attach great importance to the appearance of their garden. Grass seed mixtures for an ornamental lawn consist of grasses that tolerate moderate treading, but retain a deep green colour in drought conditions. The sod is extremely dense, which does not give street grass, for example, a chance.
- Repair grass seed: Yellow or bare patches in your lawn can have various causes. Sometimes you can still repair it, but other times there is only one thing to do: re-seed locally. To do this, it is best to buy grass seed for a repair lawn. It germinates quickly, even at slightly lower temperatures. Recovery grass seeds, however, are less suitable for initial sowing.

Tip from Marcel
To avoid buying grass seed for nothing, stretch a fine mesh net over your newly sown plot. Birds won't be able to come and steal your grass seed this way. Another option is the age-old trick with CD-ROMs on sticks or set up a feeder nearby. Bird seed you don't have to bother with is always more interesting.😉
Why buy grass seed?
- Environmental benefits: Even a relatively small area of grass provides you with environmental benefits. A lawn improves the air quality and regulates the temperature around your home.
- Relatively low lawn maintenance: Of course, a lawn needs some maintenance. Just buying grass seeds won't get rid of it. But a lawn generally requires less maintenance than, say, a plant or vegetable garden.
- Financially more interesting than turf: When choosing between buying grass seeds or laying turf, the financial picture plays a big role. Sowing grass yourself using grass seed is clearly more price-friendly than laying turf.
How much grass seed do you need for your lawn?
Exactly how much grass seed you should buy to sow or supplement your lawn depends on mixture to mixture. A good guideline is 2 to 3 kg per 100m2. However, we recommend always following the instructions on the packaging for a good germination of the grass. If you sow too little grass seed, you run the risk that the turf will not grow dense, giving weeds the chance to grow. If you sow too much, young grass plants can suffocate, causing poor development. Initially, the turf looks good, but over time, problems crop up.

How long does grass seed last?
Maybe you have some grass seed left over or you don't proceed to sow immediately after buying grass seed. The storage period of grass seed depends largely on the conditions. An unopened bag can generally be stored for about two years without any problems. The grass seeds will still be of good quality if the bag has been kept dry and cool.
An opened pack should also always be kept cool, dry and dark. If possible, try to close the packaging airtight. An opened pack is generally good for up to a year. After that, the germination starts to decline, so it is better to buy new grass seed and use that.
You can test the germination of the grass seed you bought some time ago with some simple equipment. Take some grass seed and place it between damp toilet paper on the window sill to allow enough light and warmth to reach it. If more than 80% has germinated within 2-3 weeks, the germination rate is definitely still high enough. If less has germinated, it is best to buy new grass seed. When buying grass seed, always pay attention to the surface area for which the bag contains grass seeds. It is not advisable to buy a bag for 250 m2 if you want a turf of 100 m2. There is a real chance that the remaining grass seeds will have lost their germination capacity the next time you want to use them. However, feel free to buy just a little more grass seed than you need (about 10% more). If there is a piece less full, you can supplement it with the same grass mixture.
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