
Is your plant sick? Are the leaves being eaten by snails? Or are your plants infested by annoying pests such as mice, ants or flies? Then consult our garden pharmacy. Or feel free to contact us for more advice.

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Insects, flies and wasps

Insects are not immediately many people's favourite animals. Especially when you are sitting quietly on the terrace, you prefer to keep a swarm of insects far away. However, insects are indeed useful. Without insects, we would not even survive. They are, so to speak, nature's tidbits and serve as a food source for other animals. They also look after flora. In fact, various insects also have a function as pollinators, thus ensuring the growth of tasty fruits and vegetables. 

So insects are preferably what you want in the right places. And not in the house or on the terrace. A wasp's nest in the attic is something you would rather get rid of than get rid of. You don't like to see aphids populating your beautiful plant garden. And the buzzing of mosquitoes around your head disturbs your sleep. Thanks to our pest control products for flies, wasps, mosquitoes and other insects, you will no longer be bothered by those buzzers, crawlers and flies 😉

There are a few options to do insect control:
  • Anti-insect netting: anti-insect netting protects your plants from insects and helps to combat codling moth, beetles, cabbage maggot, caterpillars, horse chestnut leafminer, wasps, etc.
  • Insect traps: With wasps and flies, for example, an insect trap is very effective. Using lures or pheromones, you lure the insects to the trap where they can no longer be a nuisance. A similar means of insect control is a glue trap. An insect glue trap also usually works by smell. Insects are attracted to the glue trap after which they stick.
  • Dilutable concentrate: You need to dilute these substances with the right amount of water before use. Then spray the mix (over mostly your plants) using a pressure sprayer.
  • Spray: Sprays are already completely ready to use. Depending on what exactly they are fighting against, spray the goodies over your plants, patio, table...

Tip from Marcel

Lemon balm, lavender, peppermint, rosemary and catnip are just a few examples of plants/herbs that keep insects away. You will discover the rest in our blog!

Birds, cats and dogs

Fruit trees, as well as other fruit plants such as strawberry plants, are among birds' favourite places to hang out. You can protect your trees from birds quite easily, though, using bird nets. You stretch these over the trees and bushes so birds cannot steal your precious fruit.
Another way to control birds in your garden is the classic way: with a scarecrow. Not a homemade male with a broom as a body, but a shiny witch's ball or spiral that scares birds.
Are dogs or cats coming to do their business in your vegetable or vegetable garden? Using a granule or spray, you can efficiently chase them away. These pesticides have a smell that is unpleasant to them and/or causes a temporary irritation after contact, making them avoid those places. Pesticides for dogs and cats are harmless in themselves. They are also harmless to your own pets, but it is recommended to keep animals away from treated areas.

Ants, snails and moles

For many gardeners, an even and beautiful green lawn is sacred. A lawn littered with mounds of earth by moles is a real nightmare for them. There are a number of methods to control moles and save your garden:

  • Scented mole control: Scented capsules are put 10 to 20 cm deep in the ground. Moles do not like the smell in these capsules and will therefore ignore your garden. Scented capsules against moles are not harmful to pets. Scent-based mole control can also be done using a scatter granulate
  • Mole wire: Mole wire prevents moles from reaching the surface and thus creating molehills. You can use mole wire on turf as well as on lawn to be sown in. 
  • Mole repellent based on vibration/light/sound: Another option is to put a device/rod in the ground that emits vibration, light and/or sound. This is perceived as extremely unpleasant by moles. Such ultrasonic repellers can also be used against other animals such as mosquitoes, flies or even martens, cats or dogs. 
  • Mole clamp: Using a mole clamp, you catch moles in their burrows. Thanks to a strong spring, the mole dies immediately, without unnecessary suffering.

Ant and slug control is possible through various methods. To control ants, you can use scatter powder or ant baits. A spray or diluent concentrate is also possible. You control slugs by using slug traps or slug pellets.

Tip from Marcel

An ant infestation in your lawn is best combated with the ants' natural enemy: nematodes! The ants do not tolerate the nematodes and leave their nests. The larvae are killed. Nematodes are very effective and ecological!

View our exterminators against ants, slugs and moles

Weeds, moss and green deposits

Especially the wet weather conditions in autumn and winter are ideal for moss and green growth. And in spring and summer, weeds then reappear. All are an eyesore for the garden lover. However, when using pesticides against weeds, moss and green deposits, be extremely careful to use the right product for the right surface! Especially with herbicides, you need to be very attentive. This is because most products are total herbicides. This means they will kill all flora. If you use these products to kill the weeds in your lawn, the grass will also be on it for the trouble.