Birds, cats and dogs

Birds, cats and dogs

Of course we all love animals, but when they become a nuisance, it's a lot less fun. Birds coming to devour the harvest of your fruit trees, cats defecating in your vegetable garden or flower bed, or even martens damaging the body of your car... No thanks! Here you will find plenty of remedies to protect your home and garden against nuisance from birds, cats, dogs or other animals.

Deterring birds 

Birds moving into your garden in large numbers. Bird watchers will love to see it happen, but certainly not everyone likes it. After all, these birds quickly target your garden plants, your fruit crop or your newly sown vegetable garden. You don't want their droppings in your garden either. And surely you don't want your chickens to get sick from contact with other birds? Fortunately, there are several ways to keep birds away from your garden, or at least protect your garden from their presence

  • Bird nets: If you find that your fruit trees are among birds' favourite spots, it is appropriate to protect your fruit using bird nets. Bird nets can also be useful to protect your pond from herons or to ensure that other birds cannot reach your chickens
  • Scarecrows and witch balls: No, not a broom wearing a coat. But, for example, a brightly coloured balloon or a statue of a bird of prey. A witch's ball is a shiny iron ball. The reflection deters birds.

All bird control

Deterring cats 

Cats that live outside are bound to visit your garden from time to time. And there is a real chance that they will soon target your dustbin. Or do they come to do their business in your border or vegetable garden? Using a granulate or spray, you can chase them away efficiently. These pesticides have a smell that is unpleasant to them and/or causes a temporary irritation after contact, causing them to avoid those places. Pesticides against dogs and cats are harmless in themselves. They are also harmless to your own pets, but it is recommended to keep animals away from treated areas.

All cat control

Deterring other animals 

Foxes or martens are also known problems in the home and garden. Foxes look really cute, but your chickens still prefer not to see them coming. Anti- martens spray, in turn, keeps martens away from all the places where they can cause damage such as cabling, insulation, the car body, pipes... 


Control and prevention always go hand in hand. That is why it is important to take preventive measures as well. It comes down to making your home and garden less attractive to unwanted visitors. Limit possible food sources and hiding places for birds, cats or other animals. Store food and rubbish bags in locked containers. Check possible hiding places regularly.