Let your garden flourish with our handy tips!🌱

You can come to us for all kinds of handy tips & tricks, green advice, fun DIY's & tasty recipes!
Also check out our handy pointers and guides
salt water systems

What are the benefits of a saltwater system?

How does a saltwater system work & what are the benefits? We dive deeper into it in this blog!
boxwood alternatives

Four alternatives for boxwood

Looking for a worthy replacement for your boxwood? We have listed four hedge plants!

Suffering from the boxwood moth, caterpillars, spider mite or fungus in your boxwood?

Is your buxus also infested by the buxus moth, fungus or spider mite? Then we will give you a few tips!
5 reasons why your lawn isn't growing properly

5 reasons why your lawn isn't growing properly

The 5 most common mistakes when sowing a lawn.
Catch the buxus moths with a funnel trap

Catch the buxus moths with a funnel trap

Are Buxus moths also flying around in your garden? With a pheromone trap you can catch them biologically!

How to fight annual bluegrass in your lawn?

You can find annual bluegrass everywhere... Unfortunately also in your lawn. We provide the solution!
6 ways to keep slugs and snails out of your kitchen garden

6 ways to keep slugs and snails out of your kitchen garden

We give you some ecological but also a chemical solution to fight these sluggish culprits!
donut swimming basket

A summer-ready pool in 5 steps!

A swimming pool is a lot of fun in the summer, but it also requires a lot of maintenance!
Scarify your lawn healthily

Scarify your lawn healthily

Give your lawn an airy hairdo!
Dandelion in lawn

Weeds in my lawn. Now what?

How to create a weed-free lawn without glyphosate?
lawn fertilization

Which fertilizer does my lawn need?

Fertiliser provides a healthy & strong lawn, but don't use the same one all year round!
Suffering from green deposits?

Suffering from green deposits?

We love a green garden but we'd rather not see our fence and patio turn green.