Glass greenhouses
Glass greenhouses
Put together your dream greenhouse online here, with all kinds of options/accessories/colours & a transparent price! Choose from our high-quality glass greenhouses by ACD & Vitavia! Moreover, they are delivered to your door, that's convenient!
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Buy glass conservatory: horticultural glass or safety glass?
Horticultural glass has the great advantage of letting up to 90% of sunlight through. Moreover, placement is quite easy. This makes it easier and more effective than a grow tunnel with foil. Replacing a foil that is torn or otherwise broken is not so easy. Installing new glass in the frame of a glass conservatory is a lot easier.
Another advantage of horticultural glass over foil greenhouse tunnels is that the light is better distributed. With a greenhouse tunnel with foil, you risk burning your greenhouse plants because light is centralised. Horticultural glass in your greenhouse provides good thermal insulation and blocks harmful UV light.
Safety glass is also called toughened glass and that has everything to do with the way it is produced. Safety glass for a conservatory undergoes a heat treatment immediately followed by a rapid cooling process. It therefore becomes 7x harder than standard horticultural glass. Moreover, the glass shatters into thousands of blunt pieces if it did break. In terms of safety, it thus scores a lot better than standard glass.
Because safety glass is 7x harder than regular horticultural glass, the chances of it breaking due to impact are minimal. Hail, the weight of snow in winter, children playing football, material flying around during a storm... A conservatory with safety glass can withstand everything! Safety glass for conservatories is extremely durable. It has a very long life and is highly scratch-resistant. It does not discolour under the influence of the sun and is resistant to all kinds of cleaning agents. Moreover, it has a good insulation value.
ACD conservatories from the Prestige line are fitted with hammered safety glass in the roof. This technology ensures that sunlight is refracted and therefore your plants are less likely to burn. It spreads the light optimally, allowing all greenhouse plants to enjoy it. Another advantage of hammered glass is that condensation flows down nicely instead of dripping.

Tip from Marcel
A solid foundation is essential when buying a conservatory. With Vitavia conservatories, the foundation is therefore included in the price. The greenhouse foundation is also included in ACD Prestige conservatories. This is a unique, self-supporting foundation that allows you to easily move the greenhouse afterwards. ACD's Introgrow line does not yet have a foundation.
Pimp your greenhouse!
Have you made up your mind? Super! You can also pimp your greenhouse with all sorts of clever accessories to make growing even easier!
An automatic window opener is a real gamechanger. It keeps your plants from getting too hot in summer without you having to go into the garden to open or close your window. Moreover, better ventilation also means fewer pests and fungi in the greenhouse. So the number one accessory!
A shade cloth can also come in handy during the summer. That way the plants don't burn!
Do you grow tomatoes or cucumbers? Then tomato spirals are essential! They give your plants the support they need so they don't break under the weight of the heavy fruits, and guide them upwards.