SOS - fast recovery of lawn and sports field

Sports fields are used intensively on a daily basis. In many cases, it is no wonder that bald spots develop in the turf over the long term or during the colder months. Ordinary grasses get too little light and too little temperature in the winter to successfully fill these spots. With Barenbrug's SOS (Super Over Seeding) technology this problem is a thing of the past, as this seed germinates very quickly at low temperatures - making it the perfect solution for sports fields but also ideal for overseeding your lawn in winter. This ensures a full lawn in the spring.

Perhaps the best reference is the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. The playing fields did not meet the standard and so the call came for a repair lawn. The decision was made to go for quality and SOS was sown over the football pitches. The result? Within no time at all, the grass came up and the fields grew completely thick.

Extend playing season

Thanks to SOS, the playing season can be extended considerably. By overseeding early in the season, the pitch maintains a high grass cover and can thus be played on more intensively than before. The number of playing hours is drastically increased, sometimes by as much as 100 extra hours a year.

Preventing colour differences

 Overseeding the wrong grasses can result in differences in colour and that does not make the grass mat any more attractive. You can also see a difference in colour and grass thickness in many football fields because street grass has established itself. The weeds germinate very quickly and initially appear green, but in the wrong weather conditions you will see many ugly or even bare patches.

Barenbrug SOS quickly fills in the gaps (due to fast germination), preventing street grass from filling in the gaps. In addition, the grass has the same colour as, for example, RPR and therefore the field retains its visual appeal.

Overseeding at low (soil) temperatures

In de praktijk worden veel velden doorgezaaid met een grasmengsel dat rond 10 °C kiemt. Het probleem daarbij is dat straatgras al bij 8 °C kiemt en erg snel opkomt, waardoor het ingezaaide of het doorgezaaide mengsel geen kans heeft. Wanneer er niks tegen straatgras wordt gedaan, zal het zich dan ook overal vestigen. Dit kan resulteren in kale plekken en ziektes in de grasmat.

In practice, many fields are overseeded with a grass mixture that germinates at around 10 °C. The problem with this is that perennial grass germinates at 8 °C and emerges very quickly, which means that the overseeded or overseeded mixture does not stand a chance.  If nothing is done about street grass, it will therefore establish itself everywhere. This can result in bare spots and disease in the turf.

SOS maakt doorzaaien tijdens en kort na de winter al mogelijk. Het heeft namelijk de unieke eigenschap dat het al kiemt bij een bodemtemperatuur van 6 °C. Zo heeft straatgras bijna geen kans om zich te vestigen. Binnen twee tot drie weken heeft u weer een mooie, dichte graszode en binnen een maand heeft u minimaal 60% grasbezetting. Dat is 18 dagen sneller dan wanneer er doorgezaaid wordt met mengsels van Engels raaigras!

SOS makes it possible to overseed during and shortly after the winter. It has the unique property of germinating already at a soil temperature of 6 °C. This means that there is almost no chance for street grass to establish itself.  Within two to three weeks you will have a nice, dense turf again and within a month you will have at least 60% grass coverage. That is 18 days faster than overseeding with mixtures of ryegrass!

Fast recovery from damage results in a sharp increase in the number of playing hours. Overseeding therefore results in fewer cancellations, better football (especially in the sixteen-metre area) and fewer injuries.

Fast recovery for a low price

Is your turf in need of repair too? Whether it is the goal area in a stadium, the sixteen-metre area at the local amateur club or the football pitch in your neighbourhood, go for SOS now!

Temporarily unavailable
SOS Recovery lawn 2Kg: 60 to 100m²

The grass is always greener at Hermie's and so is yours with our tips 👇

• Overseeding in winter, a beautiful and weed-free lawn in spring
• Sowing grass or laying turf in 5 steps
• Help my lawn is not growing

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