Happy Bio the new generation of fertilisers
In recent years, we have seen a major shift in the gardening world: the (amateur) gardener is becoming more aware of his ecological footprint, and opts more often for organic. Vegetables are sprayed less, and unwanted insects are combated more often with their natural enemies.
This is also mandated by legislation. At the end of 2018, for example, we saw a whole range of products banned, such as glyphosate (for private use) and the selective herbicides. We are therefore continuously looking for new and better alternatives!
We are going to reduce our range of chemical liquid fertilisers and partly replace it with, among others, the ""Happy Bio"" line. These are
water-soluble fertilisers that are also 100% vegetable. Because every plant group needs different nutrients, 6 of these ""Happy bio"" fertilisers were introduced to the market (for houseplants, tomatoes, flowering plants, vegetables & small fruits, herbs & foliage and universal fertiliser). In 1 box you will find 52 ready-to-use water-soluble sachets of 5 gr. You can use 1 sachet per week, so most plant lovers can use it for a whole year. Do you have a lot of plants that you want to pamper extra? Then you can also opt for the economical large pack of 500 grams. With this, you can make around 100 litres of fertiliser. Shake it and pour!
What are the benefits of water-soluble fertiliser?
We can apply fertilisers in liquid or granular form. However, Viano is introducing a new variant to the market: water-soluble fertiliser that is also organic. But what is the difference between liquid and water-soluble fertilisers?
We list the advantages of the organic and water-soluble variety for you!
- The Happy Bio fertilisers are 100% natural. That is good for the (hobby) gardener, the plant and the environment! In this way you do not come into contact with chemicals, your plant receives the necessary nutrition and no harmful residue disappears into the soil. These fertilisers may be entirely herbal but they are very effective. They contain extra magnesium which gives your plant a healthy and fresh green colour, and have a high-quality NPK composition. Do you hear the thunder in Cologne when you hear this NPK formula? Then this article will give you the necessary explanation! Because the fertilizer is already added in liquid form, the plant will drink it up immediately.
- The water-soluble fertiliser sachets are very quick and easy to use! You no longer have to fiddle around with a measuring beaker, half of which ends up on the ground more often than in your flower pot. Just fill a watering can with 1L water and drop the sachet in. Wait until the sachet has dissolved, shake it and you can provide your plant with the necessary nutrients!
- Plastic and environmental pollution are hot topics these days, and a good thing too! Viano also wants to do its bit in the fight against disposable plastic. Not only is the fertiliser water-soluble, but also the bags it comes in. This avoids unnecessary waste. Besides the visible plastic packaging, there are also many invisible microplastics hidden in your products. They may be called micro, but these small plastic particles are a major culprit, and not at all as innocent as they sound. They were therefore resolutely banned from the Happy Bio line. The box in which the bags are packed is made of recycled cardboard. And because of the low weight in comparison to liquid fertilisers, the transport impact is also lower. In this way, the circle is complete.
How to find the perfect fertilizer 👇
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