Brown rat

Controlling rats and mice, a handy guide to buying poison online

With the onset of autumn, the rats & mice reappear. They crawl through small cracks & holes to hibernate in our warm and food-rich homes. Our stables are also visited. On this page you can find all kinds of tips & tricks because we don't want to see these rodents crawling around in our house. You can also buy poison and other pesticides easily online at Hermie and have them delivered at home!

1. What is the difference between rats and mice?


🐀 Rats

How can you recognise them?

Rats are much larger than the common mouse but have other characteristics that distinguish them from each other. For example, rats have a thick and hairless tail and smaller ears than mice. Rats eat 5 to 10 times as much as mice, but produce less excrement. Rats are sexually mature at 3 months. They have 3 to 6 litters a year, with 5 to 10 young per litter.

🐭 Brown rat

The brown rat is an omnivore but is particularly fond of grains! These rats often look for their food in the same locations, which makes it easy to control them. The brown rat often lives outdoors and near water. In contrast to the black rat it prefers to stay close to the ground.

🐭 Black rat

Black rats love moist fruit. They look for their food in different places, which makes it more difficult to control them. You cannot put the poison in a fixed location. For this species you need to spread many and small quantities of moist bait. Black rats are very good climbers and often look for height to build their nest.


Tip from Marcel

Mice and rats reproduce at lightning speed, so take action
action when you spot the first rodent!

🐁 Mice

How can you recognise them?

Mice are smaller than brown and black rats but have a long, thin and hairy tail. They have a pointed nose and larger ears. Mice produce around 80 droppings a day so it is no wonder that you regularly come across these 'mouse droppings' when you are dealing with an infestation!

Mice are sexually mature at 2 months of age. Each year they have 6-10 litters per female, with up to 5 or 6 young per litter. No wonder you'll soon have a large colony on your doorstep!

We may easily talk about mice but there are many species, each with a different approach and characteristics. Here are some of the most common species 👇

🐭  Vole

In Belgium and the Netherlands, there are around 7 species of voles, the best known of which is probably the field mouse. Voles can be recognized by their short tail and short, hairy legs. They have a blunt snout and their fur can range from grey to pink. The root vole lives up to its name as it can churn up your entire garden! They dig and gnaw through everything in their path. One year, the vole can be found in large numbers, while the next year it is almost impossible to spot.

🐭 House mouse

The house sparrow can be recognised by its slender figure and brown to grey fur. This species has a pointed snout, large ears and short legs. The house sparrow lives underground and is mainly active at night. House mice love fatty and cereal foods.

🐭 Wood mouse

The wood mouse has a pointed snout and large ears, but can be recognised above all by its large and black beady eyes. The wood mouse is not picky and eats many different kinds of food (fruits, seeds, nuts, etc.). This species also travels mostly at night. It is a protected species in the Netherlands.

🐭 Shrew

The shrew differs from the above species in that it is not a rodent but an insect eater. The shrew has a small, pointed snout and short legs. This species is active both during the day and night. The shrew is protected throughout Europe.


2. Preventive measures

Prevention is always better than cure! You can use as many pesticides as you like, but if hygiene is not good, the rodents will always find your home! Here are a few simple tips 👇

🐭 Seal holes and cracks:

Mice and rats need only a small hole to enter your home. Brown rats live close to water, and also move through drainpipes, sewers or wells.

🐭 Do not leave food lying around:

Store leftover food directly in a sealable container or put it in the rubbish bag. It is also advisable to place the bin liner in a tightly closing container. This way the pests can't get at it. This tip will also keep pesky insects such as fruit flies at bay!

🐭 Think about your pet's food too!

Rodents not only love your food, but also your beloved four-legged friend's or cat's pet food. Make sure that these pellets are also in a sealed jar.

🐭 Protect animal enclosures:

Screen chicken and rabbit cages with fine mesh netting. That way, mice and rats won't get their food!

🐭 Clean up your house and garden:

Sheds and garden sheds often serve as storage places, and are stuffed with clutter that we ""might"" use someday. Take care of these messy corners because they are ideal hiding places for pests. Clean it up!

3. Pests in the stable

Stables are where we keep our horses, cows and other livestock, but also rodents often take up residence in winter. They enjoy the warm blankets and straw bales, and they also like their daily dose of grain. But the presence of rats and mice in your barn is not so harmless. They can transmit all sorts of diseases (such as salmonella and Weil's disease) through the feed to your livestock. They can also cause a lot of damage to electrical wiring, which can even lead to barn fires.

We would like to give you a few tips to limit the arrival of pests as much as possible, because unfortunately you can never completely avoid them!

🐭 Close the feed well

Keep the food in metal containers so that they cannot gnaw through it. Don't do this? Then don't worry about taking a scoop of mouse instead of cereal. It is also advisable to keep the food in a separate, lockable room.

🐭 Keep the yard weed-free

Is your stable surrounded by weeds and high grass? Then you are creating the ideal living environment for the vermin. The rats can hide in the weeds and only come in to fill their bellies.

🐭 Good riddance

Have you spilt some cereal next to the bin or on the pathway while feeding? Then clean it up immediately. Hungry rats and mice will quickly find and follow the trail of grains. Another good tip is to keep the floor and walls clear. Rodents are good hideaways and will seek out all warm and messy spots.

4. What kind of bait do I use?


🐭 Pasta:

Pasta contains an extra-scented aroma, which makes rats and mice prefer pasta to other available food. Due to the high fat content, pasta is more resistant to moisture. So it is ideal for the cellar, the garden house, attic or storage room! In addition, the active ingredient is evenly distributed throughout the paste, which promotes rapid and lethal absorption. Paste is ideal to combat black rats!

🐭 Cereal:

Grain bait consists of oats or wheat. Brown rats and house mice are particularly fond of these starchy products! Cereal bait can be used in dry areas.

🐭 Block:

Liquid attractant in bloc form contains paraffin and is therefore very moisture-resistant. The blocks are therefore very suitable for use outdoors, for example to control mice and rats around ponds, sewers,...

5. What types of poison are there?

🐭 Poison based on blood thinners

In 2018, there were some big changes in European legislation that made traditional mouse and rat poisons disappear from the shelves. These rodenticides work on the basis of anticoagulants (blood thinners) so that the blood of the rats and mice no longer coagulates, and they ultimately die from internal bleeding. The animals are then dried up and digested. This way you don't have to bother with smells, and you don't have to go looking for the dead animals.

Typical anticoagulants are the active substances Brodifacoum and Difenacoum. At the end of 2018, the permitted dose (0.005 %) of these anticoagulants for private use was halved to 0.0025 %.

🐭 Poison based on paralysis

Another option is poison with the active ingredient Chloralose. These drugs put the mice into a deep sleep, anaesthesia as it were. This will lower their body temperature until they die. It is a very quick process that does not cause the mice any unnecessary pain. An additional advantage is that the mice die instantly after just one intake.
The disadvantage is that you have to remove the animals afterwards because they do not digest by themselves. It is better not to apply this product in places that are difficult to reach (such as a cavity wall), otherwise the vermin will rot there.
Examples of poison based on Chloralose are BSI Flash and Edialux or Luxan Tomorin.

6. Stressed about the choice? View our handy pest control guide here!


7. Our champions!

Please note that these products are only available in Belgium:

Please note that these products are only available in the Netherlands:

8. 5 tips for safe and efficient pest control

1. Choose the right location

Observe the route taken by the rodents, and find the entrance to the nest. Place the poison there so that they encounter the bait several times a day. Mice & rats always move along the walls so place the poison against the wall and not in the middle of the room.

2. There is a smell to it

Do not touch the poison with your bare hands! Your body odour can affect the smell of the bait, which makes the pest suspicious and will not eat the poison. Always use a glove.

3. Leave the poison bags closed

Leave the poison in the pre-packed bag. There is no need to scatter the grains or push the paste out. The mice and rats will eat through the ready-made pouches.

4. Refill it

Check the poison regularly and refill the secure feeding boxes often. Be patient, a large pest will not be eradicated in 1-2-3!

5. Change of food makes you eat

Vary the types of poison so that the pests do not become resistant.

9. Safety first!

  • Rat and mouse poison is easy to obtain and use. It is often handled carelessly, which can cause problems later on. Always make sure that no children or (domestic) animals can reach the poison in order to avoid drama. You can store the poison safely in a secure feed box. With the key you can easily open the box to fill it up and close it again. There are two holes in the box so that mice and rats can easily reach the poison but larger animals (or children) cannot. Are you putting the poison outside? Then always take into account possible neighbouring animals (such as cats or dogs). Has a pet unintentionally eaten the poison? Then consult a vet immediately. In the best case, the animal will be a bit sick or weak, but in the worst case, your beloved pet could even die from the poison. Better safe than sorry because poison always remains dangerous!
  • Have you already killed a few mice or rats? Then first roll them up in a plastic bag before throwing them in the rubbish bin. Never leave poisoned rodents outside, because if other animals eat the carcasses, they will also ingest the poison.

10. What are the options if I don't want to or cannot use poison?

Are you a big animal lover and don't want to poison your rodents? Then we have listed a few options for you below! Please note that you are not allowed to fight protected species. However, you can catch them alive.

🐭 The classic rat or mouse trap

Rats and mice can be easily caught with an old-fashioned but effective trap. Do you want to catch the vermin but not kill them? Then you can use a trap cage. However, rats are smart and cunning, so it is important to outsmart them!

Here are a few tips on how to use a trap (or cage)

  • Always place the clamp or cage next to a wall. Rats always instinctively walk just past the wall.
  • There is no need to buy special lures to catch them. For example, they love chocolate, dog food, oats or other strong-smelling foods such as nuts or moulded cheese. You may already have these foods in your pantry or fridge!
  • Do not place the clamp directly on edge (e.g. in front of the trap or basket cage): Rats and mice are very suspicious. Gain their trust and only set the trap when you see them eating the bait.
  • Mice and rats have a very acute sense of smell. Wear gloves when setting traps so they don't pick up your scent, otherwise they will be on their best behaviour.
  • Place bait in several places.

🐭 The electronic trap

The  electronic trapis a more animal-friendly alternative to the classic mouse or rat trap. Although you will also eliminate the animal here, this is done in a more 'humane' way because the animal dies instantly after the electric shock. The pest does not have to suffer needlessly. Caution: Do you have other pets or (small) children in the house? Then it is very important to shield this electronic trap so that they cannot reach it.

🐭 The trap cage

Do you want to catch rats and mice but not kill them? Then a trap cage is the ideal solution for you!
You can fill the cage with all sorts of treats such as wet dog food, chocolate, moulded cheese... More tips can be found above ☝️ at the classic mouse or rat trap. Always make sure that you release the mice and rats far enough after the catch (e.g. in the woods). Otherwise they will quickly crawl back into the house.

🐭 Ultrasonic repellents

  • There are many devices that emit ultrasonic sounds and we also sell them. These devices produce high-pitched ultrasonic sounds that scare away and repel mice and rats.

    The big advantage of these devices is that they are easy to use and clean. You only have to switch the device on and do nothing else. This is in contrast to conventional traps or poisons that require regular refilling of the bait and removal of dead mice. These devices pose no danger to children and you can even use them to keep away spiders or insects. Sounds perfect, right? Personally, however, we have noticed that habituation occurs after a while. When the mice and rats move indoors, you will also have to change the location of the device. Often the mice and rats return to the house so you will have to keep an eye on them and reactivate the device at the first sign of life.

  • Sometimes mouse and rat glue is also used to catch the pests. Although this is an effective solution, we are not in favour of it. It traps the animals for days, causing them to die of deprivation or you have to kill/drown them yourself. This is agony for the animals.

11. Choose our A-brands!


Edialux is the brand for sustainable solutions to tricky house and garden problems. Whether you have annoying insects or rodents in your home, whether you need to rid your garden furniture of a layer of green deposits or whether you see the weeds growing between your terrace, Edialux knows how to deal with every problem!


BSI is a major player in the field of care products and pesticides in numerous fields such as: insect and disease control, animal defence, fertilisation, pet-care, pond and swimming pool.


Potting soil, fertiliser, lawn care, crop protection, pest control - an extensive range offers the perfect solution for every plant and animal challenge, with quality management, research and development. Especially when it comes to innovations that benefit the environment. With the aim of obtaining and using resources as sustainably as possible and keeping our ecological footprint as small as possible.

KB Home Defense:

KB Home Defense exists for more than 50 years and is a renowned brand in Southern Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands. They provide safe and effective products to combat all kinds of pests.


Pests, weeds, fungi, green deposits and nuisance caused by, for example, a large snail infestation in the garden. All problems you'd rather not face but Luxan offers the solution!

Protect Home:

With Protect Home's products, you have everything you need to combat unwanted guests, such as insects and rodents.


This well-known brand supplies traditional mouse and rat traps. Efficient and at an affordable price!

logos mice and rats-min

12. Why buy from Hermie?

Have you suddenly noticed a family of mice or rats? Order your pesticides before 5 p.m., and we will send your saviours the same day! In addition, Hermie always offers you the best price, and you can contact our customer service for personal advice. Good luck 💪


Protect the environment and public health. Use rodenticides safely. Read the label and product information before use. Products with a BE-marking can only be used on Belgian territory. Products with a NL- approval number can only be used on Dutch territory.


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