Bark and ground cover
Benefits of tree bark and ground cover
- Weed suppression: A layer of bark prevents weed seeds from getting light, preventing them from germinating. This results in less weed growth and less maintenance.
- Moisture conservation: Bark acts as a moisture regulator by keeping the soil moist for longer. This reduces the frequency of watering and protects plants from drying out. Tree bark is also an excellent idea as a material for a walkway. It allows water to pass through excellently - especially compared to tiles - which reduces the risk of flooding.
- Soil temperature control: Une couche d'écorce agit comme un isolant, protégeant le sol des températures extrêmes. Cela permet de protéger les racines des plantes de la chaleur et du gel.
- Protection against erosion: Bark protects soil from the effects of heavy rain, reducing erosion and preserving soil structure.
- Control of snails and cats: Troubled by snails eating your vegetable garden or cats coming to do their business in your garden? Install a ground cover. Cats don't like the feel of a ground cover on their paws. Certainly cocoa shells work well because they don't like the smell. Snails stay away from the sharp edges of ground covers.
- Effect as a soil improver: Ground covers and bark will eventually decompose creating new soil with nutrients.

Types of bark and their uses
Coarse pine bark (Pinus sylvestris): This bark has an average lifespan of 3 to 4 years and is suitable for general ground cover in the ornamental garden.
French pine bark (Pinus maritima): With a lifespan of 5 to 7 years, this bark is more durable and ideal for long-term applications.
Cocoa shells: A decorative and natural ground cover that helps suppress weeds and retain moisture. Please note that cocoa shells are toxic to dogs!
Hydro pellets: Small, porous pellets of fired clay that provide good drainage and air circulation in the soil, ideal as a ground cover for potted plants and garden beds.
Tree bark and ground cover application tips
Layer thickness: Apply a layer of at least 7 cm of bark to ensure effective weed suppression and moisture retention.
Care: Replenish the bark layer periodically to maintain effectiveness, as natural digestion reduces layer thickness over time.
With the right choice and application of bark and ground cover, you will create a healthy, low-maintenance and aesthetically pleasing garden environment.