Lawn Fertilizers

Lawn Fertilizers

Enjoying a lush green lawn that looks great all year round? 🌿
This dream is yours too! The secret to such a perfect lawn lies in the right fertiliser and maintenance. Lawn fertilisers promote the growth of the grass, ensure a fresh green colour, strengthen the resistance of the blades of grass and repel weeds or moss!

Choose the right combination of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (the well-known NPK value) to suit your lawn and the season. Fertilise your lawn every three months for good results!

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What are the benefits of lawn fertiliser?

The right NPK value for your lawn ensures

✅ A healthy & strong root system
✅ Less weeds & moss
✅ A fresh green colour
✅ Boost growth
✅ Improves resistance to rain, snow...

What does that NPK value stand for?

For the gardener who is still a bit green behind the ears, that NPK value may sound like Chinese. We'd like to explain it for you:

• N = Nitrogen: stimulates the growth of the grass blades. This gives you a nice full turf!

• P = Phosphorus: ensures a strong root system.

• K = Potassium: makes your lawn more resistant to all kinds of weather conditions and fungi. This is especially important in autumn.

Often, Mg or Ca also comes into the formula:

• Mg = Magnesium: gives your turf a healthy, deep green colour.

• Ca = Calcium: neutralises the soil so it cannot become too acidic.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a fertiliser?

When choosing a lawn fertiliser, the season plays a big role. In spring, we want a full lawn quickly. This is possible thanks to a nitrogen-rich fertiliser. In autumn, it is important to strengthen the resistance of the lawn. Potassium plays a big role here.

The other months you can opt for a maintenance fertiliser.

Be careful with a young lawn: the delicate blades of grass cannot yet handle nitrogen-rich fertilisers, otherwise they may burn. Choose a fertiliser specifically for the young, newly planted or sown lawn (such as Recovery fertiliser).

What is the difference between an organic and a mineral fertiliser?

Chemical fertiliser, also known as artificial fertiliser, is composed of nutrients that are synthetically manufactured, while organic fertiliser is made from natural materials.

You can read more about the pros and cons of these types of fertilisers in our blog!

Which form of fertiliser is best to choose?

Besides various compositions, you can also distinguish fertilisers by their form. For the lawn, you can choose between a granular fertiliser or liquid fertiliser.

• Granular fertiliser:
Granular fertilisers are dry, granular fertilisers that release nutrients slowly. They are useful for the garden & lawn because they can easily be spread over a large area, using a fertiliser spreader for example. Granular fertilisers are ideal for long-term feeding as they gradually dissolve and slowly release their nutrients to the soil.

• Liquid fertiliser:
Liquid fertilisers are concentrated fertilisers that still need to be diluted with water. These liquid types are quickly absorbed by the grass blades and quickly create a beautiful lawn. They are easy to spread with sprinklers or watering cans. Moreover, with the liquid fertilisers you have precise control over the nutrient application.  

Tip from our blog

What fertiliser does my lawn need?

From February to October, your lawn could use some help. Fertilisers make for a stronger & greener lawn, but also indirectly counteract weeds and moss. This is even more important now that selective weed killers are no longer available!

After winter, your barren turf could use a boost. Spring fertiliser contains extra nitrogen to stimulate the root growth of your turf, so you can enjoy a nice full lawn! Magnesium is also welcome and ensures a fresh green colour.

In autumn, we just want to slow down growth. That is the role of potassium in autumn fertiliser. By strengthening the root system, the lawn is also less susceptible to all kinds of diseases and fungi that lurk in winter.

Click here for more tips & tricks!


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