Oenothera speciosa 'Siskiyou' - pot 9x9 cm

Oenothera speciosa 'Siskiyou' - pot 9x9 ...


Oenothera speciosa 'Siskiyou' - pot 9x9 cm

Art. nr. 201814913


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Product information "Oenothera speciosa 'Siskiyou' - pot 9x9 cm"

Product specifications

Application / use plant: Border planting, Rock plant
Average number per m²: 10
Bloom Month: June, July, August, September
Bloom color: Pink
Branches / bark: Unknown - n/a
Flower color - details: Pink
Frost hardiness - details: Very good (-29 till -23°c), usda zone 5
Frost resistance: Extrême winter hardiness
Fruit: Unknown - n/a
Full grown plant height: 20-30 cm
German plant name: Garten-Nachtkerze, Nachtkerze
Growth habit : Ground cover, Wide-spreading
Growth habit - details: Wide-spreading
Humidity/Soil: Moist soil
Latin plant family: Onagraceae
Leaf / Foliage: Green
Leaf / foliage - details: Deciduous, green
Location: Halfshadow, Full sun
Location - details: Sun till half-shade
Minimum growing height (in cm): 20
Plant characteristic: Ground cover
Plant family: Evening primrose family
Planting distance: 8-11 pieces per m² (30-35 cm apart)
Pruning period: March
Synonym / Trade name: Oenothera 'Siskiyou', Oenothera berlandieri 'Siskiyou'
Winter foliage: Losing leaf
maximal growth height (in cm): 30
type of crop: Perennial plant
type of soil: Dry soil, Normal soil, Sand soil
type of soil / ground - details: Well-drained soil